The RRCQ offers many opportunities to sponsor and advertise products and services. These are set out below
Please contact the Club Secretary for details.

Advertising and sponsorship opportunities exist for the upcoming Championship and Open Dog Show.
All sponsors receive a free, full colour page advertisement in the Ridgie Rave for every $30 of sponsorship.
Click here for available sponsorship opportunities.
Please email the Show Manager by no later than 04 June 2021 for opportunities at the upcoming show on 12 June 2021.
Our quarterly Ridgie Rave Magazine has circulation across QLD and is issued in print and digital versions.
Preferential rates for members.
Members: $20 for full A4 page, $10 for half A4 inside the magazine and $25 for front page
Non-members: $30 for full A4 page, $20 for half A4 inside the magazine and $35 for front page
Commercial advertising: $72 for a full A4 page, $48 for half A4 inside the magazine and $30 for a quarter page.
Rates are per annum
Please contact the Editor for more details.

Opportunities to sponsor and advertise on our website exist. Rates are dependant on nature of request. Please contact the Webmaster for more details.
Advertising Disclaimer :
Paid advertisements appear in The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Queensland Inc (RRCQ) publications, including print and other digital formats. RRCQ does not endorse nor evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertisers making claims are expected to be in full compliance with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions nor content. RRCQ reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any advertisement for any reason at any time without liability.